Friday, November 02, 2007

Another patient Transport :)

G'day I am still alive and well.

NO I have not killed anything in the army :p

I am doing good. I might be able to join United Nation as UNIFIL force :)

maybe I will end up at the Lebanon end of this month.. I dunno.

anyway I am good here :)


Friday, September 28, 2007

I think this was said during WWII? by whom?

""People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." "

my 2nd Furlough....

G'day all I am still alive and kicking.

I am still doing a lots of surgeries. damm I am so tired.

anyway I am fine and doing well.

me holding PS skull... :)

and my fellow medics.

I wish I can show more photos bt... others are all bloody and that. (you dont want to see that) hahahhahah

Sunday, June 24, 2007

TIme is over I'm back to hospital...

I have to say I thought 10 day away from Army will re-charge my inner energy and rest but NO I am more tired now then before, maybe because I was busy meeting familiy and friends. 10 days is too short I have to say. it has been raining alot here its korean Monsoon season starting up.

anyway the time has come to go back to Army.

There were so many things that I wanted to do but I couldnt do it cuz I dont have time. I have travelled alot last few days mostly catching up with friends and families.

I have met people that for first time in 14 years many people are changed.

I dont know when I will be able to go on holiday again but I am sure it will be around december or november... by them I will be corporal/specilist anyway I will be fine.

wish me luck

Monday, June 18, 2007

New myspace

Friday, June 15, 2007

My 1st 9 nights 10 Day holiday :)

G'day all Private HONG here :)

How are you all, last month and this months has been hell. because we have moved hospital into new spanking new hospital.

now we are all settle in new hospital. brand new equipments, living areas...etc.

We are loving it, I am loving my new position as "Plastic surgery Medical Officer" yeah that's right I am in PS now :)

There was PS surgery this week and took 3 hours to repair someone's broken eye socket... anyway it was fun for me.

I will write some more later... :)

I am still alive and Kicking


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Emergency patient Transport to Seoul

G'day all this is joe, I thought I was going to lebanon this month, but I think I missed out by one spot...:( damm it. I really wanted to go there!

anyway I am out of Army barrack for tonight, becase I have moved from orthopedic department and went into Plastic surgery department now.

I am PS medic now, and today some one got hurt bad in the face ( I hear he got his face blown by grenade of somekind, it looked pretty bad) so we transported patient to bigger capital hospital.

so here I am writing my blogg.

oh yeah a lot happend since my last blogg. We moved hospital to Ham Pyoeng... its very nice clean place just 40 min out of where we were in GWANG-JU.

a lots of things to be done in the PS department. I am coping well.

we got brand spanking new building so that bonus.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Saturday, April 28, 2007

1 night 2 days in the city

G'day all I am stil alive and kicking, sorry that my last blogg was pretty sad. It was very difficult time for me last couple of months.

The army was asking me too much too fast getting used to the life of soldier.

anyway I am all back to normal JOe again still doing it with SMILE :) :)

Couple of news I volunteered for United Nation (UN Peace Corp), yeah I was thinking about going other country... there was applicatoin to be filled out so I did.

if I get selected I will be at the Lebanon in JULY this year, of course working as Medical officer. ohh yeah another good news kinda... Our armed force hospital is moving into new building next month, and I wont be working in the orthopedic department but Plastric surgery. yeah I got re-assigned to PS department. yeah yeah what you thinking.. lipo-suction and removal of moles and botox hahahahha.... I doubt that I will be doing that kinds of surgery in the army hospital.
anyway something to look forward to...

ohh yeah I am no longer PFC (private first class) I am Private Second Class NOW!! I have 4 people that will follow my instructions :) well they kinda have to cuz I SAY SO :) hahah :) the buety of chain of commnad I'll say.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Army life

I clean shit off toilet bowl in the moning
I clean M16A1 rifle in the afternoon
I clean patien's broken wound at night.

When do I find time to clean my own body and soul...

lately I am loosing my SMILE :(

Seeing sick people makes me depressed, not a good sign.

Please write to be so that I dont so insane in the hospital hahahha :D
Private Second Class HONG YEON CHO (JOE)
Gwang-Ju Gwang Yuk City Seu Ku Hwa Jung 3 Dong
광주광역시 서구 화정동66
(국군광주병원 사서함210호)
GWANG-JU,South Korea

Day Pass to Gwang Ju.

G'day all How are we all?

It must be getting colder in Perth now, Its getting warmer in the Gwang-Ju. Its alomst Summer here.

yeah I am dong fine here :) I just miss you lot. I miss Perth and FreeDOM!!!

Not much happening where I am woking at the momment. Just seeing sick people.

because I am Orthopedic Surgery Medic, I get to see all the Broken bones and Legs...etc. you get the Idea. I get to cut bones and shit!!! I love it. Its pretty fun. a lot of cruciate ligament damage repair...few bone cancer cases too.

anyway thats enough about work. Army life can be very boring time to time. cuz everyday is just like yesterday... repeating. by the way I am no longer lowerst rank in the platoon. I got new member here.. so I get to tell him what to do now... hahahhahahah

ohh yeah I get promote to Private Secound Class (PSC) next month. I get two sticks on my hat and my uniform.

also I got few photos you guys sent to me LOVed it MIke!!

PLEASE SEND ME LETTERS, (illiegal to have internet access in the Army complex *national security some thing like that) so if possible send me Letters.

Please send me photos if you have them my platton buddies love to see them

Private Second Class HONG YEON CHO (JOE)
Gwang-Ju Gwang Yuk City Seu Ku Hwa Jung 3 Dong
광주광역시 서구 화정동66
(국군광주병원 사서함210호)
GWANG-JU,South Korea

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Back in GWANG-JU Hospital :)

Time is up 4days of civilization... last twoday Ive been sick from food poisoing and flu. :(

ahh well it was good to see my family and able to speak to friends.

please wrire me letter if you want. (no internet inside Army, only communication I can get is phone and letter)

The address is bellow, probably you can just cut and paste it.

Gwang-Ju Gwang Yuk City Seu Ku Hwa Jung 3 Dong
광주광역시 서구 화정동66
(국군광주병원 사서함210호)
GWANG-JU,South Korea

talk to you all in few month.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Friday, February 09, 2007

Sorry about the bad quality of photos, it is illegal to take photos in army compound... these was taken secretively with cheap onceuse camera, when our captain was not watching us :p

During last week Winter training

few shots

100 days in Korean Army...

Hi all How are you all, by now you all forgotten about me. hahah

I have made into army and I got assigned as MEDIC.

I am working at the GWANG-JU Millitary hospital, as Orthopedic Surgery Assistance.
I get to see all the blood and gore of orthopedic surgery, most of them are ligament and cruciate ligament damages. few ganglion surgeries too.

anyway I am going fine here. I will be here for next 21 months, :)

What can I say? Its hard to be Army man... this tuesday was my 100th day in the army.

I have received 4night 5day leave pass from army... so now I can write about it. :)

first of all I am fine in korea, little bit cold and lots of snow. It SNOWED HEAPS two weeks ago.. all the personal had to wake up in 5AM and cleaning the road in the army barracks.

Few things I will tell you about korean army before I go any further.
1. It doenst matter who you are in the outside of army, in the army you are little shit kicker for first 6 months. NO one cars if you were KING of anything.
2. Army runs on the clock... all the activities follows time that has been assigned to it. eg. soldier should take 3.4 secounds to put on a sock or under 50 secounds to fully dismount M16A1 rifle and another 50 sec to put it back all together and ready to be kill.
3. mentally draining...
4. because I am lowerst Private I have to follow orders from seargent. no questions asked. I have to do what ever he/she says.

other than that Its all good. :)

JOE is on holiday :)

A lots things to post here :)
These photos was taken when Im going into the BOOTCAMP last year 30th of October

with no knowledge of pain of bootcamp, I was still smiling to the end... :)