Monday, July 21, 2008

Long time no Write... still in Lebanon.

yeah I am still here :) until we finish our mission...

approx 8dyas left b4 I go back to korea :)

well I shall write some more when I get back to korea


Sunday, March 02, 2008

I am alive and well in Tyre, Lebanon

G'day all.

Thank you for wishing me Happy birthday, I had very interesting B-day.

I was stuck in the Ambulance for 12 hours for Medevac, we had sick man...

I went to Sidon on my birthday...:) not much to see , just transporting a patient to hospital.

I am doing fine here :) Weather is good too:)

Friday, November 02, 2007

Another patient Transport :)

G'day I am still alive and well.

NO I have not killed anything in the army :p

I am doing good. I might be able to join United Nation as UNIFIL force :)

maybe I will end up at the Lebanon end of this month.. I dunno.

anyway I am good here :)


Friday, September 28, 2007

I think this was said during WWII? by whom?

""People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." "

my 2nd Furlough....

G'day all I am still alive and kicking.

I am still doing a lots of surgeries. damm I am so tired.

anyway I am fine and doing well.

me holding PS skull... :)

and my fellow medics.

I wish I can show more photos bt... others are all bloody and that. (you dont want to see that) hahahhahah

Sunday, June 24, 2007

TIme is over I'm back to hospital...

I have to say I thought 10 day away from Army will re-charge my inner energy and rest but NO I am more tired now then before, maybe because I was busy meeting familiy and friends. 10 days is too short I have to say. it has been raining alot here its korean Monsoon season starting up.

anyway the time has come to go back to Army.

There were so many things that I wanted to do but I couldnt do it cuz I dont have time. I have travelled alot last few days mostly catching up with friends and families.

I have met people that for first time in 14 years many people are changed.

I dont know when I will be able to go on holiday again but I am sure it will be around december or november... by them I will be corporal/specilist anyway I will be fine.

wish me luck