Sunday, March 18, 2007

Army life

I clean shit off toilet bowl in the moning
I clean M16A1 rifle in the afternoon
I clean patien's broken wound at night.

When do I find time to clean my own body and soul...

lately I am loosing my SMILE :(

Seeing sick people makes me depressed, not a good sign.

Please write to be so that I dont so insane in the hospital hahahha :D
Private Second Class HONG YEON CHO (JOE)
Gwang-Ju Gwang Yuk City Seu Ku Hwa Jung 3 Dong
광주광역시 서구 화정동66
(국군광주병원 사서함210호)
GWANG-JU,South Korea

Day Pass to Gwang Ju.

G'day all How are we all?

It must be getting colder in Perth now, Its getting warmer in the Gwang-Ju. Its alomst Summer here.

yeah I am dong fine here :) I just miss you lot. I miss Perth and FreeDOM!!!

Not much happening where I am woking at the momment. Just seeing sick people.

because I am Orthopedic Surgery Medic, I get to see all the Broken bones and Legs...etc. you get the Idea. I get to cut bones and shit!!! I love it. Its pretty fun. a lot of cruciate ligament damage repair...few bone cancer cases too.

anyway thats enough about work. Army life can be very boring time to time. cuz everyday is just like yesterday... repeating. by the way I am no longer lowerst rank in the platoon. I got new member here.. so I get to tell him what to do now... hahahhahahah

ohh yeah I get promote to Private Secound Class (PSC) next month. I get two sticks on my hat and my uniform.

also I got few photos you guys sent to me LOVed it MIke!!

PLEASE SEND ME LETTERS, (illiegal to have internet access in the Army complex *national security some thing like that) so if possible send me Letters.

Please send me photos if you have them my platton buddies love to see them

Private Second Class HONG YEON CHO (JOE)
Gwang-Ju Gwang Yuk City Seu Ku Hwa Jung 3 Dong
광주광역시 서구 화정동66
(국군광주병원 사서함210호)
GWANG-JU,South Korea